07-27-2024     3 رجب 1440

Tariff Menace

January 27, 2023 |

The union government as well as the J&K administration have taken up a number of projects to improve connectivity to the union territory. The expansion of the strategic Jammu-Srinagar highway, the lifeline of Kashmir, is nearing completion and many other vital projects will be set for commissioning by next year. However, the aviation sector has not caught much attention. It is true that the number of flights to both Jammu and Srinagar have increased dramatically over the past couple of years, given the heavy flow of tourists which set a new record of 18 million last year and is only expected to grow in coming years. It is also a fact that the central government has approved proposals for the expansion of the airports in both the capitals of the union territory. But at the same time, there is no relief for the commoners while the leading players in the aviation sector exploit the fault lines in Kashmir’s connectivity. The situation assumes scandalous colours particularly during these winter months when the surface connectivity to Kashmir is broken and the only way to reach the valley is through air. What makes the situation outrageous is the silence of the authorities. Take the situation in January. If a passenger intends to fly from Delhi to Srinagar on January 27, the price of an air ticket starts at Rs 15,696. On January 28, it will come slightly down to Rs 14182. At such a price, one can easily go to Mauritius or Thailand. Travelling a distance of some 600 kilometres isn’t so pricier in any part of the world. While a tourist or a businessman visiting Kashmir might not feel the heat, it becomes painful for commoners, particularly the residents of Kashmir Valley, who travel in and out of Kashmir for medical, educational and other purposes. One might then be tempted to ask as to what is the purpose of making investments when boarding a plane is becoming unaffordable for commoners. Tourists will come and go, but what about the locals? Should the government throw them to the wolves in India’s aviation sector? The authorities need to step in and resolve this problem once and for all. For a long time, the private operators have been allowed to exploit the situation. It is time for the government to put a price cap on the flights to Srinagar from Delhi and other parts of the country so that commoners can heave a sigh of relief.





Tariff Menace

January 27, 2023 |

The union government as well as the J&K administration have taken up a number of projects to improve connectivity to the union territory. The expansion of the strategic Jammu-Srinagar highway, the lifeline of Kashmir, is nearing completion and many other vital projects will be set for commissioning by next year. However, the aviation sector has not caught much attention. It is true that the number of flights to both Jammu and Srinagar have increased dramatically over the past couple of years, given the heavy flow of tourists which set a new record of 18 million last year and is only expected to grow in coming years. It is also a fact that the central government has approved proposals for the expansion of the airports in both the capitals of the union territory. But at the same time, there is no relief for the commoners while the leading players in the aviation sector exploit the fault lines in Kashmir’s connectivity. The situation assumes scandalous colours particularly during these winter months when the surface connectivity to Kashmir is broken and the only way to reach the valley is through air. What makes the situation outrageous is the silence of the authorities. Take the situation in January. If a passenger intends to fly from Delhi to Srinagar on January 27, the price of an air ticket starts at Rs 15,696. On January 28, it will come slightly down to Rs 14182. At such a price, one can easily go to Mauritius or Thailand. Travelling a distance of some 600 kilometres isn’t so pricier in any part of the world. While a tourist or a businessman visiting Kashmir might not feel the heat, it becomes painful for commoners, particularly the residents of Kashmir Valley, who travel in and out of Kashmir for medical, educational and other purposes. One might then be tempted to ask as to what is the purpose of making investments when boarding a plane is becoming unaffordable for commoners. Tourists will come and go, but what about the locals? Should the government throw them to the wolves in India’s aviation sector? The authorities need to step in and resolve this problem once and for all. For a long time, the private operators have been allowed to exploit the situation. It is time for the government to put a price cap on the flights to Srinagar from Delhi and other parts of the country so that commoners can heave a sigh of relief.

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Owner, Printer, Publisher, Editor: Farooq Ahmad Wani
Legal Advisor: M.J. Hubi
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