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Question of IWT

January 29, 2023 |

Adopting a tough stand, New Delhi has issued a notice to Islamabad for amending the Indus Waters Treaty which was brokered between the two nuclear powers by the World Bank in 1960. The notice was sent to Islamabad on January 25 through Indus Waters Commission and in no uncertain terms Islamabad has been accused of "intransigence" on the implementation of the treaty which has envisaged a mechanism for cooperation and information exchange between the two countries regarding the use of rivers in the Indus basin. While India has taken pains to uphold the charter as a responsible country to ensure that the treaty is implemented in letter and spirit, Islamabad has over the years turned into a repeated offender. Due to unilateral actions of Islamabad, many provisions of the treaty have been adversely impinged upon. Due to these diversions, New Delhi has been forced to issue a formal notice for modification of the pact. This is not the first time that the treaty, which has survived more than six decades of turbulence in relations between the two countries, has come into news. In 2015, Islamabad demanded appointment of a neutral expert after raising the so called technical objections to Kishenganga and Ratle hydroelectric power projects which are being implemented in Jammu and Kashmir. In the next year, Pakistan pulled out the request and demanded a court of arbitration for adjudication on its objections. According to reports, New Delhi has objected that this unilateral action was in contravention to the mechanism of dispute settlement envisaged by Article IX of the treaty following which another request was made by New Delhi for the matter to be referred to a neutral expert. “The initiation of two simultaneous processes on the same questions and the potential of their inconsistent or contradictory outcomes creates an unprecedented and legally untenable situation, which risks endangering the IWT itself,” warned a newspaper report. The World Bank had requested both India and Pakistan to arrive at an “amicable way out" but India has taken the battle one step up by calling for amending the treaty itself. Many ministers in the union government and leaders of the ruling party have in the past asserted that the Indus Waters Treaty was not in the favour of India and it should be nullified. With an out-of-court settlement between India and Pakistan unlikely on the issue and the hardening of positions on both sides, it seems that the treaty might cease to exist soon.

Question of IWT

January 29, 2023 |

Adopting a tough stand, New Delhi has issued a notice to Islamabad for amending the Indus Waters Treaty which was brokered between the two nuclear powers by the World Bank in 1960. The notice was sent to Islamabad on January 25 through Indus Waters Commission and in no uncertain terms Islamabad has been accused of "intransigence" on the implementation of the treaty which has envisaged a mechanism for cooperation and information exchange between the two countries regarding the use of rivers in the Indus basin. While India has taken pains to uphold the charter as a responsible country to ensure that the treaty is implemented in letter and spirit, Islamabad has over the years turned into a repeated offender. Due to unilateral actions of Islamabad, many provisions of the treaty have been adversely impinged upon. Due to these diversions, New Delhi has been forced to issue a formal notice for modification of the pact. This is not the first time that the treaty, which has survived more than six decades of turbulence in relations between the two countries, has come into news. In 2015, Islamabad demanded appointment of a neutral expert after raising the so called technical objections to Kishenganga and Ratle hydroelectric power projects which are being implemented in Jammu and Kashmir. In the next year, Pakistan pulled out the request and demanded a court of arbitration for adjudication on its objections. According to reports, New Delhi has objected that this unilateral action was in contravention to the mechanism of dispute settlement envisaged by Article IX of the treaty following which another request was made by New Delhi for the matter to be referred to a neutral expert. “The initiation of two simultaneous processes on the same questions and the potential of their inconsistent or contradictory outcomes creates an unprecedented and legally untenable situation, which risks endangering the IWT itself,” warned a newspaper report. The World Bank had requested both India and Pakistan to arrive at an “amicable way out" but India has taken the battle one step up by calling for amending the treaty itself. Many ministers in the union government and leaders of the ruling party have in the past asserted that the Indus Waters Treaty was not in the favour of India and it should be nullified. With an out-of-court settlement between India and Pakistan unlikely on the issue and the hardening of positions on both sides, it seems that the treaty might cease to exist soon.

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